BLOW Frische Minze
BLOW Fresh Mint nicotine pouches offer a refreshing and invigorating experience. Here's a breakdown of the key features:
- Flavor: A crisp, cool mint flavor provides a long-lasting, refreshing taste.
- Strength: BLOW Fresh Mint is categorized as a strong nicotine pouch. Each pouch contains 12mg of nicotine, delivering a satisfying kick.
- Format: The slim format ensures a discreet and comfortable fit under your lip.
- Type: All white portion means no tobacco is used, resulting in a cleaner experience with minimal staining.
- Packaging: Each can contains 20 slim pouches.
Important Note: BLOW Fresh Mint contains nicotine, a highly addictive substance. 1 It is intended for adult users who already consume nicotine and is not recommended for non-smokers or those trying to quit nicotine.
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